Tips for Combating Constipation

If you experience constipation, take an honest look at your water and fibre intake, as well as your activity level. Those are great places to start in order to begin your journey to healthier bowel movements. Below are recommended amounts of water, fibre, and exercise, as well as tips on how to increase your daily intake.



  • Dosage: ½ oz/lb of body weight
  • Color of urine: pale lemonade (certain vitamins such as B12 will change the color)
  • Smell of urine: no strong odour (certain foods such as asparagus will change the odour)
  • Alcohol and caffeine count against water intake


  • Dosage: 25-35grams/day
  • Add 1/3 c. bran buds to your cereal, yogurt, or applesauce
  • Increase Omega 3’s and fibre by adding ground flax seeds or hemps seeds to your smoothie
  • Add 1Tbsp of psyllium to 3 Tbsps of unsweetened applesauce, followed by a big glass of water every day after dinner
  • Be sure to increase fibre intake gradually, so your body can become accustomed to it. You might notice increased gas to begin with, but this should decrease as your body adjusts.


  • Minimum 30 minutes of moderate exercise/day. Exercise encourages movement of the intestines, aiding in the passage of stool
  • Do ILU massage 1-2x/day (read our blog, “I-L-U Self-massage”
  • Use knee to chest stretches (hold for 20 breathes at a time to stimulate bowel motility)

If you have given the above tips an honest shot and still experience constipation, book in to see a pelvic health physiotherapist today. Sometimes the pelvic floor muscles that need to relax in order to have a satisfying bowel movement are not relaxing sufficiently. A pelvic health physiotherapist can assess for this and help you learn to relax these muscles if this is the case.

The information in this blog is provided as an information resource only and should not be used as a substitute for seeking personalized direction from your overseeing physician. Please consult your healthcare team before making any decisions about your pessary treatment plan, which is unique to you and your overall health. Toronto Pessary Clinic expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this blog.

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