
Constipation is a topic that cannot be ignored when discussing pelvic organ prolapse (POP). Chronic straining due to difficulty passing large or hard stool is believed to be a cause of POP. Additionally, if you have a rectocele (a type of prolapse where part of the rectum hangs lower than usual), you may experience difficulty passing stool or completely evacuating your bowels. Today we are going to discuss what constipation is, signs and symptoms, common causes and how pelvic health physiotherapy can help.

What Is It?

Being constipated means that your bowel movements are difficult to pass or that they occur less frequently than normal. Normal frequency ranges from 3x/day to once every 3 days.

Signs and Symptoms

  • Fewer than normal bowel movements
  • Straining to pass stool
  • Hard stool or small pellets
  • Feeling of incomplete emptying
  • Feeling that you need help to empty your bowels, including pressing on your stomach or using your finger to remove stool from your bowels
  • Bloating
  • Hemorrhoids or bleeding with the passage of stool

Common Causes

  • Changes to your diet
  • Insufficient water or fiber intake
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Ignoring the urge to have a bowel movement
  • Stress
  • Pregnancy
  • Some medication (ex. Narcotics, antidepressants, iron pills)
  • Other medical diagnoses (ex. Irritable bowel syndrome, cancer, neurological disorders)

Pelvic Health Physiotherapy Can Help

  • Education:
    • Anatomy of the muscles responsible for successful evacuation
    • Helpful dietary suggestions for ideal stool consistency
    • Optimal posture for evacuating bowels
  • Assess your pelvic floor muscles for factors contributing to your experience of constipation
  • Teach you how to relax the necessary muscles to be able to completely evacuate your bowels
  • Prescribe appropriate exercise
  • Suggest self-care techniques to manage symptoms of constipation

If you experience constipation, speak with your doctor or pelvic health physiotherapist. Healthy bowel movements are important for whole body health, including health of your pelvic floor and organs. For tips on diet and exercise as they relate to constipation, read our blog “Tips for Combating Constipation”.

The information in this blog is provided as an information resource only and should not be used as a substitute for seeking personalized direction from your overseeing physician. Please consult your healthcare team before making any decisions about your pessary treatment plan, which is unique to you and your overall health. Toronto Pessary Clinic expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this blog.

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