Cube – Insertion and Removal Instructions

So you just got your pessary- congrats! Your physiotherapist explained how to insert and remove it and you practiced a few times with her in the clinic, but you can’t quite remember everything she said. Here are insertion and removal guidelines for one of the most common space occupying pessaries- the cube.


  • Wash your hands
  • Position: half squat or one foot on a stool or lying on your back, propped up with pillows
  • Apply lubricant (preferably organic, paraben and glycerin-free, water-based (not silicone)) to the entering edges of the pessary  
  • Spread the lips of your vagina apart with one hand and orient the cube so that it enters the base of the vagina by 1 of the 8 corners
  • Squeeze the cube as you slowly rotate it into the vagina until it is completely inside
  • Push the pessary deeper with 1-2 fingers of one hand while 1 finger of the other hand gently stabilizes/pulls the internal vaginal tissue down towards the vaginal opening


  • Wash your hands. Use a glove if you feel that helps maintain a better grip
  • You can use the string to locate the pessary, but do not pull on it
  • Slide one finger along the vaginal wall
  • Break the suction on one or more sides of the cube
  • Slowly “unroll” the cube in the direction of the vaginal opening
  • Repeat breaking the suction and unrolling until the cube is out

Check out this video on cube pessary insertion. It is written for the inserting health care professional but has good information for the user as well.

Want tips on how to clean and care for your pessary? Check out our blog on “Pessary Removal and Cleaning”.

Not sure if it is sitting and fitting correctly? Read more on this in our blog “How do I Know if my Pessary is Working?

If you are still unsure how to insert or remove your pessary, book in to see us. We would be thrilled to review this with you until you are 100% confident you can manage independently!

The information in this blog is provided as an information resource only and should not be used as a substitute for seeking personalized direction from your overseeing physician. Please consult your healthcare team before making any decisions about your pessary treatment plan, which is unique to you and your overall health. Toronto Pessary Clinic expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this blog.

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