What are My Responsibilities as a Pessary User?

You’ve been fitted for a pessary at your initial physiotherapy appointment, taught how and when to remove and reinsert it at your follow-up appointment, and your tissues have been checked at your discharge appointment. Now you are ready to manage your pessary independently. Do you have to see your physiotherapist or doctor again regarding your pessary use? What are your responsibilities as a pessary user? Below is a list of things you are responsible for.

  • Regularly attend follow-up appointments with your physician or nurse practitioner. He/she will do a gynecological exam (internal speculum exam) to assess the integrity of your vaginal tissue. This should be done 1 month after starting to use your pessary and then every 6-12 months, or at an alternative interval recommended by your overseeing health care practitioner. These check-ups can greatly reduce your chance of experiencing risks of pessary use. Read more on potential risks of pessary use here. https://torontopessaryclinic.com/potential-side-effects-and-risks-of-pessary-use/
  • Follow the instructions given to you regarding how to insert/remove your pessary and how often to do this. Instructions on how to insert and remove your pessary can be found here. https://torontopessaryclinic.com/pessary-insertion-and-removal-instructions/
  • Always use a lubricant to insert your pessary. Choose a water-based (not silicone-based), glycerin and paraben-free lubricant such as Good Clean Love available at the drug store. Dip only the front end of the pessary in the lube or you will have trouble maintaining a grip on it. For more tips on insertion, read our blog “Insertion and Removal Instructions”. https://torontopessaryclinic.com/pessary-insertion-and-removal-instructions/
  • Strictly adhere to the cleaning directions given to you. Do not use harsh chemicals to clean your pessary, nor boiling water. Tips on how to properly clean and care for your pessary are found in this blog. https://torontopessaryclinic.com/pessary-removal-and-cleaning/
  • If you have been prescribed a topical estrogen or recommended to use a vaginal moisturizer, use these products diligently, as prescribed.
  • If you are menstruating, you MUST NOT wear a pessary and a tampon simultaneously. This is to avoid infection, including toxic shock syndrome. If you prefer to wear your pessary during your period (you are only allowed to do this with certain pessaries that allow proper drainage), then you must wear a pad. If you can manage without your pessary during your period, then you are free to wear a tampon or menstrual cup.
  • Some pessaries can be worn during intercourse and some cannot. As a brief overview, the ring with or without support and shaatz can be left in during intercourse. Most of the remaining pessaries must be removed, including the ring with knob, dish or cup with knob, cube, gellhorn, or donut. Ask your fitting health care professional if you are unsure about whether you can safely keep yours in during intercourse (or give us a call!).
  • Familiarize yourself with the potential side effects and risks of pessary use, as well as the signs and symptoms indicating when you should seek medical attention. If you notice any of these signs, act appropriate action immediately. Review the side effects, risks and warning signs now. https://torontopessaryclinic.com/potential-side-effects-and-risks-of-pessary-use/

The information in this blog is provided as an information resource only and should not be used as a substitute for seeking personalized direction from your overseeing physician. Please consult your healthcare team before making any decisions about your pessary treatment plan, which is unique to you and your overall health. Toronto Pessary Clinic expressly disclaims responsibility, and shall have no liability, for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this blog.

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